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How to create a Visualforce Page to Generate PDF Invoices and Attach to Related Records

July 9, 2024By 0 Comments

VF Page Code: Visualforce Page (TaxInvoicePage): This Visualforce page is designed to display invoice details and provide functionality to attach the invoice as a PDF to the related record’s Files section. Standard Controller (Invoice__c): The page is associated with the standard controller for the Invoice__c object, allowing it to...

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How To Delete the Record using lightning flow:

July 8, 2024By 0 Comments

1. Login into the salesforce system. Click setup option   2. You will be redirected to the setup page. Search Flow in the find box.   3. Choose the Flow option and now you will be redirected to the flow.   4. Click the new flow button which is...

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How to Change the Record Type based on a Field Value?

May 23, 2024By 0 Comments

Lets directly dive into the problem. This article is purely about changing the record type in a Salesforce Object based on a field value. We are going to take the example of Case Object and a Picklist field. By the end of this article, if you have further questions, feel...

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Steps to integrate Postman with Salesforce:

May 21, 2024By 0 Comments

Integrating Postman with Salesforce is a 2-step process: Create a connected app in Salesforce. This will generate a client ID and client secret that you will need to authenticate Postman to Salesforce. To create a connected app, go to Setup > App Manager > Create a new Connected App....

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Solving Time Display Problems or Formats in Salesforce: A Simple Guide

May 15, 2024By 0 Comments

    2 Step method to format Time (HH:MM:SS) in Salesforce using VisualForce Page (without Controller class or Methods) After much research on the internet, we gave up searching for articles to help with Time/Date formatting In Salesforce. Our internal team put its time together on the whiteboard and...

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How to Change the Mass Ownership of Records in Salesforce Using Data Loader?

April 23, 2024By 0 Comments

It is imperative to understand the basics of Salesforce Dataloader before getting on to changing ownership of multiple records in Salesforce. This can be a tricky task, especially when you encounter weird errors like “All accounts must have the same current owner and new owner.”  This blog will guide...

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How to create a Queue in Salesforce?

November 8, 2023By 0 Comments

Queue in Salesforce can be created for various purposes. Most of the objects in Salesforce support Queues; Users or Groups can be assigned to queues. For E.g. In Salesforce you can not only create a Queue but also Auto assign new Leads to a particular queue or user as...

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How to Auto assign a new Lead to Queue or User in Salesforce?

November 8, 2023By 0 Comments

There are various  Lead assignment options available in Salesforce. In this Article we are going to use (1) Round Robin method, where we are going to use a bit of coding and (2) Assigning Leads to Queue or User without coding. 1) Round Robin method: To auto-assign new Leads...

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