Why Excel Sheets are Bad for your Business?

The convenience of MS Excel Spreadsheet overpowers the usage of any other app present in our systems. A survey to understand internal business communications identified one out of every five business using MS Excel Spreadsheet. Will MS Excel Spreadsheet remain dominant even after a few years of Growth, Scalability, Compliance and Geo diversity? A study from the University of Hawaii found that 88% of MS Excel Spreadsheet contain some kind of errors. Wouldn’t it be hideous to have MS Excel Spreadsheet errors affecting our financials?

Not to overlook the other common hiccups of MS Excel Spreadsheet which includes data visualization, single pane of glass reporting, real-time data and inventory difficulties to analyze with naked eyes. It may look appealing today, but it can cost you money in the long run.

To track customer interactions on an MS Excel Spreadsheet is simple when it involves two people but in case of an entire sales team, the process of tracking customer interactions on an MS Excel Spreadsheet turns into a havoc. Also, maintaining unrealistic long file names with version and date details separated with underscores is not feasible for large sales teams.

With faulty security in play, data and information such as social security numbers, compensation rates and bonuses become visible to all the employees in an organization. Not only it causes harm to employees, but it also puts your business in danger of a lawsuit or penalty.

An 8-year-old Swedish Milk company gained huge benefits by using best CRM Tool replacing MS Excel Spreadsheet. A microfinance company migrated 20 years of data nearly 30 million spreadsheets from MS Excel Spreadsheet to Salesforce. With the migration done successfully, the benefits were tremendous, employee time was utilized effectively and a lot more was accomplished. There are a lot more case studies, which addresses the benefits of moving away from MS Excel to better tools. With multiple SaaS options available in the market, it’s easy to pick and choose the right software for your business or organization at low prices.

(1) With the right set of tools in your hand, (2) Right Team with expertise and (3) Processes based on best practices, you will be able to move out of MS Excel peacefully. The amount spent on MS Excel Spreadsheets can be vastly reduced and you can do a lot more for your business. With a change in process, any and every business face difficulty in accepting the new tools. It is important to grow your business and be a part of the growth. Embrace the change and move towards success.

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