Must have reports for Sales Team

Every Business is Unique; two different companies cannot act on similar Sales Insights. There could be a 50K+ workforce in a retail Enterprise vs a Medium Sized Healthcare Business with 2000+ employees; they both could value absolutely different Metrics.

All said and done, Salesforce as a Tool is Sophisticated and addresses every need of the Modern-day Startup or Enterprise, however the way it is implemented can make the difference. Instead of focusing on Salesforce reports, we can look at reports per se. 

To derive at the data for dashboards, we need to understand the purpose it would Serve and the Target Audience. Broadly classifying the type of Sales Report consumers in a Business; it could be Executives, VPs, Sales Managers, Sales Executives, Sales Development Representatives. They KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) determine the type of Report for these target audience.

To make it easier to consume, we will proceed further with bullet points.

Reports for the Executives and Board should include –

  • Portfolio Dashboard
  • Strategy vs Performance
  • Own vs Competition
  • Forecasts
  • Business Unit Performance
  • Services vs Products Performance

Sales VP Reports Should include –

  • Top 10 High Value Accounts progress
  • YoY & QoQ Average
  • Sales Cycle
  • Won vs Lost Qualified Opportunities
  • Rate of increase in Sales Automation
  • Average Won Deal size

Sales Managers Reports Should include –

  • Agreed Monthly Pipeline vs Actual
  • Time to Close
  • Month on Month Order Booking
  • Open Cases
  • Opportunities past due
  • Sales by closed date
  • Pipeline – Closed Date vs Opportunity Created date
  • Pipeline – Quality Metrics
  • Sales Funnel – Inbound vs Outbound vs Field
  • Won Deals Leader board

Account Executives Reports Should Include –

  • Own Pipeline vs Team’s Pipeline vs Business Unit’s Pipeline.
  • Own vs Team – Completed KPI activities
  • Won vs Lost Opportunities
  • Monthly / Quarterly Commit vs Order Booking
  • Old-New Opportunity vs New-New Opportunity
  • Opportunity Open vs Commit
  • Monthly / Quarterly Average Closed Opportunities

Inside Sales Reports should include –

  • Current Month Activity vs Current Month result / deals.
  • Long term Activity – Results (year to date)
  • Inbound Sales & Outbound Sales
  • KPIs for Sales Development Representatives.
  • Qualified Opportunities Cold vs Warm Accounts
  • Qualified vs Won Opportunities
  • Top 10 accounts Average values
  • Total Pipeline Generated

While building any of these dashboards, make sure to place the data right where the eye will look for. It is of key importance to understand the Business Model and Vision before setting up the dashboard. There are a few proven CRM in the market, which can provide in-depth insights for the variety of audience in the organization. Salesforce Certified Admins at Zivoke do this meticulously, where your Business Process and Goals meet Industry Best Practice.

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